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Bordentown, New Jersey, United States
I have lived in four countries, four states (worked in six), many cities, towns, and villages, and have visited many more. I have friends in many countries and cultures around the world and love them all. I am a pluralist and anti-ideologue. I believe that compassion is pragmatic and the scientific method is the path to enlightenment. To that effect, I believe that curiosity, imagination, and intuition are the initiating attributes of the empiricist, because a theory must come from a hypothesis - and a good hypothesis must come from a dedicated artist.

Blog Archive

Friday, October 22, 2010

Just One Thing ~ words and music by G.D. Lafontant ~ C 2009

I've heard it said again and again ...

"We never can turn back.
Time just keeps drivin' on and on.
And, in the end, it's best if we just let go ..."

But hang on, hold the phone!

If we can run but there's no place to hide,
why is it all we seem to do?
We play a constant, cosmic game of hide-and-seek;
a kind of spiritual peek-a-boo.

Oho! Hey, where'd ya go?
Aha! Hey, there now, I see you.

And I have often caught you wondering,
the things I often wonder too;
exactly what the Sacred Secret is -
the key to knowing what is true.

But if I find out how my story ends
(or if it even ends at all),
I'll lose the fun of peeking
'round the bends of my light's current
in this swirling crystal ball.

And everything is very, very big!
And nothing is really very small.

So I would love to sit and visit you;
revealing stories of the past -
of how our histories shape
our points of view
and how these vistas overlap -

(and how) everywhere is varied and vast
and nowhere isn't on the map.

It's true, we never can turn back.
Time's signpost arrow points one way.
And, in the end,
though we can't know for sure,
we can surely feel it -
in our minds, blood, breath and bones -

(that) everything is all one thing
and that one thing is ... alone.

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